NEAR Spacecraft
Various Other Documents
This document was first created on Monday, January 6,
The letters and other documents shown below provide
a complete record of my efforts to buy the NEAR Spacecraft and of my eventually
claim of ownership. The most important of the documents are the two
mentioned in the NEAR Spacecraft Introductory Document. I sent a
copy of the first one, by certified mail, to the previous owner of the
spacecraft. I also had both documents published in the legal notices
section of the White Mountain Independent.
Contact information shown for me on the various
documents is obsolete. |
Email message to, Wednesday, February 14, 2001,
file name 2001-02-14.s.1.gif
Email message to, Wednesday, February 14, 2001,
file name 2001-02-14.s.2.gif
Email message to, Wednesday, February 21, 2001,
file name 2001-02-21.s.gif
Email message to, Monday, February 26, 2001,
file name 2001-02-26.s.gif
Email message to, Sunday, March 4, 2001, file
name 2001-03-04.s.gif
Email message to, Saturday, March 17, 2001,
file name 2001-03-17.s.gif
Letter to Helen Worth, Wednesday, March 21, 2001, file name 2001-03-21.s.gif
Email message from, Monday, March 26, 2001,
file name 2001-03-26.r.gif
Email message to, Wednesday, March 28, 2001,
file name 2001-03-28.s.gif
Email message from, Thursday, March 29, 2001,
file name 2001-03-29.r.gif
Email message to, Saturday, March 31, 2001, file name
Email message to, Sunday, April 1, 2001, file name
Email message to, Sunday, April 1, 2001, file
name 2001-04-01.s.2.gif
Email message from, Monday, April 2, 2001, file
name 2001-04-02.r.gif
Email message to, Tuesday, April 3, 2001, file
name 2001-04-03.s.gif
Email message to, Tuesday, April 10, 2001, file
name 2001-04-10.s.gif
Email message from, Wednesday, April 11, 2001,
file name 2001-04-11.r.gif
Letter to NASA Headquarters, Wednesday, April 11, 2001, file name 2001-04-11.s.gif
Letter from Edward J. Weiler, Thursday, May 3, 2001, file name 2001-05-03.r.jpg
Letter to George W. Bush, Thursday, May 10, 2001, file name 2001-05-10.s.gif
Email message to, Sunday, May 1, 2005, file
name 2005-05-01.s.1.gif
Declaration and Certificate of Ownership, Sunday, May 1, 2005, file
name 2005-05-01.s.2.jpg
Certified Mail Receipt, Wednesday, May 4, 2005, file name 2005-05-04.jpg
The Post Office has failed to deliver the return receipt card and refuses
to provide a refund.
Letter from White Mountain Publishing Co., Thursday, May 12, 2005,
file name 2005-05-12.r.jpg
Track & Confirm, USPS, Wednesday, May 18, 2005, file name 2005-05-18.jpg
The Post Office has failed to deliver the return receipt card and refuses
to provide a refund.
USPS Shipment Info for 7005 0390 0003 14, Thursday, May 26, 2005, file
name 2005-05-26.r.gif
The Post Office has failed to deliver the return receipt card and refuses
to provide a refund.
Money Order to White Mountain Publishing Co., Friday, May 27, 2005,
file name 2005-05-27-01.gif
Receipt for Money Order, Friday, May 27, 2005, file name 2005-05-27-02.jpg
Letter to White Mountain Publishing Co., Friday, May 27, 2005, file
name 2005-05-27.s.gif
Affidavit of Publication, White Mountain Independent, Monday, June
6, 2005, file name 2005-06-06.r.jpg
Track/Confirm - Intranet Item Inquiry, USPS, Show Low, Arizona, Tuesday,
June 7, 2005, file name 2005-06-07-01.jpg
The Post Office has failed to deliver the return receipt card and refuses
to provide a refund.
Track/Confirm - Intranet Item Inquiry, USPS, Show Low, Arizona, Tuesday,
June 7, 2005, file name 2005-06-07-02.jpg
The Post Office has failed to deliver the return receipt card and refuses
to provide a refund.
Invoice, White Mountain Publishing Co., Tuesday, Wednesday, June 8,
2005, file name 2005-06-08.r.jpg
Track/Confirm - Intranet Item Inquiry - Domestic, USPS, Show Low, Arizona,
Tuesday, June 14, 2005, file name 2005-06-14-01.jpg
The Post Office has failed to deliver the return receipt card and refuses
to provide a refund.
Track/Confirm - Intranet Item Inquiry, USPS, Show Low, Arizona, Tuesday,
June 14, 2005, file name 2005-06-14-02.jpg
The Post Office has failed to deliver the return receipt card and refuses
to provide a refund.
Letter to White Mountain Publishing Co., Monday, December 12, 2005,
file name 2005-12-12.s.gif
Letter from White Mountain Publishing Co., Wednesday, December 14,
2005, file name 2005-12-14.r.jpg
Letter to White Mountain Publishing Co., Friday, December 16, 2005,
file name 2005-12-16.s.gif
Letter from White Mountain Publishing Co., Monday, December 19, 2005,
file name 2005-12-19.r.jpg
Final Notice and Declaration, Tuesday, January 3, 2006, file name 2006-01-03.jpg
Money Order, Tuesday, January 10, 2006, file name 2006-01-10.jpg
Letter to White Mountain Publishing Co., Wednesday, January 11, 2006,
file name 2006-01-11.s.jpg
Invoice from White Mountain Publishing Co., Monday, January 23. 2006,
file name 2006-01-23_Invoice.jpg
Affidavit from the White Mountain Independent, Monday, January 23,
2006, file name 2006-01-23_Affidavit.jpg